“if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land”
2 chronicles 7:14

Our founding Fathers created our Constitution Based on the powers given by God Almighty
We love God, our Country, our Family and our Freedom
We are Ready to do what it takes to preserve our Constitutional Rights as unalienable citizens of this Great Country
We must Train Up Our Next Generations in these Beliefs
Our Advocacy

Economic Concerns
Double Digit Inflation Food Shortages Soaring Gas Prices Supply Chain Delays Import Dependence High Unemployment Interest Rates Rising Small Businesses Closing

Concerns for Our Children
Attacks On Our Children Critical Race Theory (CRT) Gender Dysphoria Hyper Sexualization School Overreach Parents Losing Authority Labeled Domestic Terrorists Lack of Transparency Sharp increase in teen issues such as depression, anxiety and suicide rates

Freedom of Speech
1st Amendment Rights Violated Election Fraud Free Speech Under Attack Mockingbird Media Lies Propagandizing MSM Social Media Censoring Accounts being Closed Lawfare Waged Against Truthers