Stolen Innocence: A community awareness event on what really Is happening to our children!
Tue, Aug 29
|St. Charles Public Library
Learn About new National Sex Ed Standards being taught in the public school system. How to Spot Sexual Predators. How to Take Action and More... Please register in advance as space is limited via the following link -

Time & Location
Aug 29, 2023, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
St. Charles Public Library, 1 S 6th Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174, USA
About the event
A community awareness event on what really Is happening to our children!
Encourage participants to register in advance as space is limited via the following link -
"Stolen Innocence"
Tuesday, August 29th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm
St. Charles Public Library 1 S. 6th Avenue, St. Charles IL 60174
Learn About
· The new National Sex Ed Standards being taught in the public school system
· How to preserve childhood innocence by creating safe zones where children are not exposed to early sexualization and grooming
· Educating yourself and spreading awareness to others about the evils of sexualization and exploitation, even when the truth is difficult to accept
Spot Sexual Predators
· There are 60 million adult survivors of child sex abuse in the United States
· One in four women and one in six men were sexually abused before age 18
· Our society has become wildly sexualized, and the more sexualized the environment, the more dangerous it is for our children
Take Action
· Volunteer at your (grand) children’s schools and other events
· Help elect people to local school and library boards who put children first Let public officials know that you won't stand for the corruption of our youth
Presented by:
Tom Hampson of the & Jack Rigert of the
Truth Alliance Foundation John Paul II Renewal Center
About the Presenters
Tom Hampson has been an investigator for over 50 years, beginning with intelligence work for the U.S. Air Force. Tom then went on to be the Chief Investigator for the Illinois Crime Investigating Commission where he directed an eight-year investigation into the sexual exploitation of children, including the commercial sex trade. Once Tom began to understand the full scope of the exploitation, he realized that law enforcement would never be able to make more than a dent in the problem. Parents must be educated and equipped to more effectively protect their children. Every child today is being sexualized by our culture. They are being desensitized to all manner of sexual activity and being groomed to become victims themselves. We must work together to stop the abuse.
"We need to do something about this. We have to stop the abuse before it happens. The Truth Alliance Foundation, a Christian, nonprofit organization, engages in four interrelated initiatives aimed at addressing this serious issue." ~Tom Hampson, Founder
Truth Alliance Foundation
Phone: 708.269.6089
Email: TRHampson@hotmail,com
Jack Rigertco-founded the John Paul II Renewal Center in 2007 when he experienced the negative effect that toxic culture was having on his own family. It has only gotten worse. "As our team at the JPII RC was wrapping up a presentation for high-school kids, I asked them if they had anything particular that they would like us to address when we came back for the next session. The topic requested...'mental illness.' They wanted to know why so many of their friends and classmates suffer with anxiety, depression, gender dysphoria and even thoughts of suicide. My heart went out to them and i knew that parents had to be involved in the discussion."
"We live in troubled times, people are slowly awakening to the fact that something is amiss, not right, out of balance. While currents of evil are visible in nearly every corner of the world, not is more visible than the flagrant attack on our children's innocence."
~Jack Rigert, Co-Founder & Director
The John Paul II Renewal Center
Phone: 630.391.8339